Off the List - Leaving People out of Wills & Left off the List - Estate/Family Provision Claims
Contesting a Will is a complex legal requiring careful consideration and ‘legal standing’ to bring a claim to contest a Will must be commenced within 12 months of death (although there may be exceptions).
Off the list: leaving people out of Wills
Off the list: leaving people out of Wills
There may be a reason to entirely leave family members/ eligible people out of a Will.
A Will to express your wishes (after you are gone)
A Will is a formal legal document which directs the management of your estate (or pool of assets) – after your death. Simply, your Will is your statement of instructions, to make provisions or distribute assets in the way you direct, and for peace of mind which can potentially minimise disputes and preserve relationships.
Right to Disconnect
Right to Disconnect laws and the key implications these have for both employers and employees
Mediation versus litigation in Family Law
When there is a breakdown of a marriage or relationship, people often assume that they have to go to Court, or that Court is the only option to settle their Property or Children’s matters.
While this can be true in many cases, Court is not the only way to have matters resolved and Court proceedings should only be initiated when all other options to settle are exhausted.
What is Nuisance?
Not just a neighbour’s barking dog, or too many cars parked in your street after a long social evening, ‘nuisance’ and your property rights have a specific meaning at law: interference with a public or private interest which is reasonably foreseeable.
Enforceability of Restraint of Trade Clauses in employment contracts
Restraint of trade clauses continue to grow in popularity as the rise of freelance workers encourages employers to protect their goodwill.